Dan Simons is committed to ensuring criminals are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Real consequences for criminals will deter others from following in their footsteps, making Harris County safer for everyone.
In addition to tough prosecution, proactive measures are necessary to prevent crime before it happens. Community outreach programs, enhanced law enforcement presence, and support for at-risk individuals can be critical in deterring potential criminals.
Dan Simons will establish a specialized task force to investigate and prosecute corruption at all levels of government. Too often politicians abuse their power and violate the trust of their constituents. We must restore Harris County citizens’ trust in their local government. No one is above the law, and our elected officials must be held accountable for violations.
While protecting our citizens and pursuing justice, efficiency is critical for the District Attorney of the third largest county in the nation. A backlogged criminal justice system leaves room for victims to fall through the cracks and criminals to be given lenient sentences or to be released improperly.
During my time as the Misdemeanor Chief for a Criminal Court, I reduced the docket by 20% in a matter of months. Streamlining processes and increasing efficiency is key for cutting costs, delivering justice to victims, and removing dangerous individuals from our communities.
There is not a one-size-fits-all solution for every defendant when it comes to bail and sentencing. Judges should have the discretion to set an appropriate bail and sentence, considering factors such as criminal history, in each individual’s case.
My opponent supports a cashless bond system which allows violent criminals back on the street, endangering our community.
Victims of crime must receive the respect, protection, and justice they deserve. My opponent would eliminate cash bonds and allow rapists and murderers back on the streets; I want to ensure that we keep violent criminals locked up. As an Assistant District Attorney, I tried thousands of cases, achieving an 84% conviction rate. I remain dedicated to pursing justice for victims of crime and keeping dangerous criminals behind bars.
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